Bluer's Blog

My posts are going to get Really Simple (Syndication) to read!

How to subscribe to one of my RSS feeds

Step 1.) Get the feed URL

A screenshot from my Social Portal, showing where the RSS feeds are linked. Showing that it needs to be copied.

Step 2.) Paste the URL into your favorite aggregator

A screenshot from QuiteRSS, as an example, adding the RSS feed, pasting the link copied earlier.

Step 3.) ???

Step 4.) Profit!

What's the deal with using RSS? Why not keep using Twitter?

Oh you, silly, you should be aware by now how social media is failing us at every slight opportunity. The last straw for me was Twidere breaking; I can't stand circular icons. So RSS it is. RSS is not a social media site, but rather a standard of instantly delivering content to your precious eyes without having to create an umpteenth account for some website.

Lots of software can use RSS. There are great free aggregators on virtually every platform. You might even be using something regularly that can pull RSS feeds, without having to install anything more than what you already have. Off the top of my head I remember that Microsoft's Outlook (and the free Mozilla Thunderbird) can act as an aggregator, and can pull feeds as if they were emails.

The biggest disadvantage really is for me not being able to get feedback (from comments, likes/favorites/ratings, how often it's been shared, etc). But for the time being that's fine, I'm all about convenience and prefer just to let people have a way to see my stuff without having to jump through a lot of hoops. That's something I'm trying to figure out, in case people have questions, comments, goofs, gaffs, etc.